"You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before."
-Doctor Who
After traveling these past two years for work and school, I've learned so much and experienced so much beauty that I can't see myself having any other career. I keep photographing and writing about how each character and place has affected and moved me, but there has been so many it's hard to keep up and I haven't had a solid "home" for more than 3 months.
Honestly, sitting stationary in school can be stifling, especially when the majority of my work relies on my mobility. So I decided to take the semester to study abroad on my own accord.
From September to January, I will be at sea on the MS Odyssey traveling from Europe and around South Africa back to San Diego to document what home means in different cultures.
I hope to publish a documentary by the end of my travels.
A full itinerary will be posted in a follow-up blog and I will publish weekly articles on my findings if you so wish to pursue my travels with me.
Please donate and/or contribute , anything and everything is appreciated!